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I wish all high school girls could go through this.  You learn so much about yourself and empowerment in such a short time!

- GTC High School Participant

Overview High School Program

The Girls Take Charge curriculum has been carefully designed over the past decade and is based on the following:


  • Over 16 years of experience and research (over 8,000 girls have gone through GTC since it began in 2007).

  • Highly experiential and self/peer reflective so girls can learn by doing. 

  • Fun, laughter, and positivity! 

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What She Will Do at GTC 

Ready to Shine

During this week long impactful program, participants will be engaged in the three pillars of GTC, sense of self, sense of team, and sense of community.   

Throughout this hands on interactive week, girls learn from women leaders as well as from each other on important empowerment and leadership topics such as resiliency, self identity, and leadership.  

Your daughters will embrace all that makes them strong and unique.  

Life as a High School Student

Ready. Set. Go.

Each of our daughters has her own unique empowerment journey. Common themes girls share in this age group have been identified through years of experience and research.  GTC's dynamic programming encompasses these themes so we can meet girls at their current developmental level and inspire them on their path to success.

 Common themes of girls in this track include...

  • Recognize strengths and opportunities. 

  • Enjoy being busy and engaging in activities with peers.

  • Social circle can be large and varied.

  • Peer interaction can be just as strong or stronger than the desire to be with adults as girls continue to seek independence.

girls summer camp
girls leadership camp

Make Things Happen

Below are some activities that will take place during the week:

  • Identify strengths that they can use on their own empowerment journey. 

  • Have fun creating a positive and meaningful project with other girls to promote change in others. 

  • Learn and practice real life skills such as effective communication, motivating others, and networking/relationship building.

  • Build leadership skills in fun team building activities.

  • Engage with women leaders discussing topics such as self advocacy, leading peers, and goal setting. 

Inspiring and Energizing

My daughter had a fantastic week. She was very moved by the stories. She honestly felt inspired by the camp and made new friends. She'd love to go back next year. Thank you!

- Girls Take Charge Parent

The mix of inspiring speakers, activities, and expert and caring faculty create moments of true learning and deep reflection stretching the girl's thinking and builds confidence. 

Amy Hayes, Vice President, Learning and Development META

It's astounding the power that an organization like GTC can have on the young women that participate in it.  Girls Take Charge fundamentally changed how I saw myself as a leader in my community. 

Girls Take Charge Participant

an awesome GTC DAY 

A day at GTC is a busy, energizing, and fun-filled day. Almost every hour, students can expect to move to a new activity. Days are spent in a mix of large group and small group activities and includes teamwork sessions, self-reflection sessions, and project time. Below is a sample of what a GTC day can entail. 

The Girls Take Charge curriculum has been carefully designed over the past decade and is based on the following:


  • Over 15 years of experience and research (over 8,000 girls have gone through GTC since it began in 2007).

  • Highly experiential and self/peer reflective so girls can learn by doing. 

  • Fun, laughter, and positivity! Its summer and it should feel that way.

  • Learning outcomes are developed for each track based on research and knowledge of girls' social and behavioral development at certain ages.

  • All GTC tracks include programming that foster the three GTC pillars of empowerment and leadership. These are:

    1. Sense of Self

    2. Sense of Team

    3. Sense of community

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The Makings of a Great GTC Day

9:00am  - 10:00am

Our mornings start off with a welcoming energizer activity so girls can get to know each other!

Teamwork Triumphs

10:00am - 11:30am

Girls rotate through engaging sessions with their facilitators building their teamwork skills.  These are hands on and fun!

Awareness is Awesome

11:30am - 12:30pm

We reserve some quiet time each day so girls can spend sometime getting to know a really awesome person...themselves.  We lead them through activities that highlights their strengths. 

Fun and Friendships

12:30pm - 1:00pm

Girls will have a chance to connect up over lunch (each girl brings their own) so they can grow current and build new friendships. 

Problem Solved!

1:00pm - 2:00pm 

Through hands on activities, girls utilize team problem solving skills to create solutions to challenges anywhere from STEM challenges to friendship challenges girls may encounter.  

Positive Power Hour

2:00pm - 3:00pm

Girls work in small teams (don't worry, we gather the groups so no one has to worry about finding one!) to create a meaningful project designed to help all girls discover and value their strengths.  We will be excited to share with you their creative works!

Girls Take Charge is a program of
Learning to Lead. 

Learning to Lead's EIN for tax purposes is 20-3356119.

© Copyright 2017  Learning to Lead

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